Make a request to the /waterrights/transaction endpoint to retrieve water rights transactions data via a spatial search or by county, division, water district, or WDID, within a given date range (start and end dates). Returns List of court decreed actions that affect amount and use(s) that can be used by each water right.
aoi = NULL,
radius = NULL,
county = NULL,
division = NULL,
water_district = NULL,
wdid = NULL,
api_key = NULL
- aoi
list of length 2 containing an XY coordinate pair, 2 column matrix/dataframe of XY coordinates, sf or Terra SpatVector point/polygon/linestring geometry
- radius
numeric, search radius in miles around given point (or the centroid of a polygon). If an AOI is given, radius defaults to 20 miles. If no AOI is given, then default is NULL.
- county
character, indicating the county to query
- division
numeric, indicating the water division to query
- water_district
numeric, indicating the water district to query
- wdid
character, indicating WDID code of structure
- api_key
character, API authorization token, optional. If more than maximum number of requests per day is desired, an API key can be obtained from CDSS.
if (FALSE) {
# Water right transactions within a county
county_wr <- get_water_rights_trans(county = "Adams")
# Water right transactions within a division
division_wr <- get_water_rights_trans(division = 1)
# Water right transactions for a WDID
wdid_wr <- get_water_rights_trans(wdid = "2000502")
# Water right transactions within a 20 mile search radius
aoi_wr <- get_water_rights_trans(
aoi = data.frame(X = -104.3379, Y = 39.87417),
radius = 20