Make a request to the api/v2/structures/divrec/stagevolume/ endpoint to retrieve structure stage/volume data for WDID(s) within a specified date range.
wdid = NULL,
start_date = "1900-01-01",
end_date = Sys.Date(),
api_key = NULL
- wdid
character vector or list of WDID codes
- start_date
character date to request data start point YYYY-MM-DD. Default is start date is "1900-01-01".
- end_date
character date to request data end point YYYY-MM-DD. Default end date is the current date the function is run.
- api_key
character, optional. If more than maximum number of requests per day is desired, an API key can be obtained from CDSS.
if (FALSE) {
# Request endpoint: api/v2/structures/divrec/stagevolume
stage_vol <- get_structure_stage_ts(
wdid = "0303732",
start_date = "2000-01-01",
end_date = "2005-01-01"
# plot stage
plot(stage_vol$stage~stage_vol$datetime, type = "s")
# plot volume
plot(stage_vol$volume~stage_vol$datetime, type = "s")
# get stage/volume data for multiple WDIDs
multi_wdids <- get_structure_stage_ts(
wdid = c("0504010", "0504020", "0504021"),
start_date = "2021-06-01",
end_date = "2021-08-01"