Return call analysis by WDID from analysis services API
Makes a request to the analysisservices/callanalysisbywdid/ endpoint that performs a call analysis that returns a time series showing the percentage of each day that the specified WDID and priority was out of priority and the downstream call in priority.
wdid = NULL,
admin_no = NULL,
start_date = "1900-01-01",
end_date = Sys.Date(),
batch = FALSE,
api_key = NULL
- wdid
character indicating DWR unique structure identifier code (WDID)
- admin_no
character Water Right Administration Number
- start_date
character date to request data start point YYYY-MM-DD. Default is start date is "1900-01-01".
- end_date
character date to request data end point YYYY-MM-DD. Default end date is the current date the function is run.
- batch
logical, whether to break date range calls into batches of 1 year. This can speed up data retrieval for date ranges greater than a year. A date range of 5 years would be batched into 5 separate API calls for each year. Default is FALSE, will run a single query for the entire date range.
- api_key
character, API authorization token, optional. If more than maximum number of requests per day is desired, an API key can be obtained from CDSS.